I am Ywe Caerlyn. Born in 1976. Norwegian-Iranian. Living in Norden. (Preferring this broader variant of Norway and surrounding areas). Where culture still is much according to The Ace and The Vain, and Harald Hairfair. That later polarized into the Quran, and the regressed Bib-Le.
Growing up multicultural, I experienced cultural Eunuch Polarity, Dyslexia and Cognitive Dissonance, as referred in the name Unix, and wanted to work with philosophy for the emerging Open Source scene. And started what is now Red Disco Dance and the music project bIT, encouraging to be IT for interested, testing the principles in the summertime. Raman is a name of Le, that works aswell in italic script as native. It also became against "windows", rather wanting the open source alternative.
First known in 90s Demostage PCs "mod" culture, and some mp3 in 2000, and now uploaded a track to streaming in 2024.
Conclusion: The computer is about The Vast, (AL WASI), a name of Le, well suited for OS design, and interactive media, and is fully compliant with ISLAM (Capital Italic for arabic import words). I also translated more terms inspired by correlative truth, for italic script / Le, yielding a perfect translation. The adherant then is a Muslim. Supporting the freedom to modify source code, and make an income based on ones skill. Including indie computer design, 3d-printing, clothes design, music and more. And can ofcourse be used by sympathizing groups.
Typically IT-Philes as myself, and others supported by this.
And Unix was a Bell Labs product, where income was through the employer. The Vast X requantifies this for Open Source space, and income through digital currencies and file attributes, for a decentralized workforce.
So I suggest The Vast X. Metaphorically The Vast for designing inner loop, X for useregions. With Low Jitter Config, XFS Filesystem, CDE Userinterface (72.7 low psychovisual noise FPS), and AI Relevance Management. With correct translation of Islam for italic script as background, that supports necessary fair pay politics. (A user region for instance Samilands, for Norway, Sweden and Denmark.) This part of perfection of Virtue and Justice (IHSAN, ADL).
Bitcoin is a related development, and also BlueTap (a project for clear water in Africa).
Red is also a political direction that may indicate going from dissonant christianity to harmonious Islam. It is similar to a republic.
Muslim Keywords and Phrases, writing to the right in italic script, most wellknown.
From The Doctrine (AL QURAN, from Le to Yibrihl to Muhammad (The Paraclete in The Bible).
Main teaching: No cotheo. Follower is a Muslim. (Arabic: MUSLIM)
Fant (Arabic: FASIQ)
Iblis Ash Diablo (IBLIS ASH SHAYTAN)
Lawless (MUNAFIQ)
Ruhban (IMAM)
Alt. Trek to Oman (relieving BACCA)
Don of the Universes and The Earth.
Lamer (KAFIR)
Ragnarok (YAWM AD DIN)
Valhall (YANNAH)
Monotheism (TAWHID)
Translated Prayer examples:
For Le, The Grand, The Good
Hail Le, Don Of The Cosmos, The Grand, The Good
Guard of Ragnarok
You only we worship, and You we ask for help
Lead us in the right path,
The path of those you have priveledged, not of those,
who have earned your wrath, and not of those who have strayed.
I also made a Norwegian version:
For Le, Den Gjeve, Den Gode
Pris Le, Herre Over Cosmos, Den Gjeve, Den Gode
Vokter av Ragnarok
Deg tilber vi kun, og deg spoer vi om hjelp
Led oss paa den rette vei,
Veien til de som du har velsignet, ikke til de,
som har fortjent din vrede, og ikke til de avsporede.
Translated Muslim Faith allows trek to Oman as alternative, and agrees with russian interest free banking and ban on Bukhari (the sectarian text).
The Light Be With You,
Ywe Caerlyn.